Our Mission

The Fellowship Music & Arts Academy provides arts education and performance opportunities to students of all ages. Our skilled, Christian instructors cultivate a love of the arts and a heart to give back to the community.

During a time when the arts are being squeezed out of mainstream education, giving students the opportunity to explore the arts is now more important than ever before.

Why is arts education so important?

According to scholarly studies:

  • Students exposed to the arts are more proficient at reading, writing, and math
  • Helps connect students to a larger world, ultimately improving community cohesion
  • Gives students a creative outlet
  • Helps students stay interested and engaged in the learning process and leads to higher graduation rates
  • Creates higher achievers
  • Helps rewire the brain in positive ways
Little Girl Pianist Student Recital Performance Jam Session Studio Fellowship Music Arts Academy Piano Lesson Oregon

At FMAA, giving back to the community through public performance opportunities is the perfect real-world application of these skills.

“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

1 John 1:7