Electric Bass

Ministering to communities through performance arts

Music Instruction At Fellowship Muscial Arts Academy

The Fellowship Music & Arts Academy (FMAA) is a faith based arts academy offering music education and performance opportunities to students of all ages and backgrounds. This organization, led by experienced Christian instructors, welcomes all students and families.

FMAA takes a unique approach to teaching every student based on their individual goals and learning styles with a customized curriculum designed for each student.  Fostering a love of the arts through FMAA helps develop students that grow as confident individuals as well as caring and respectful members of a community through private lessons, group classes, bands, and community performances.

At FMAA, we strive to teach students to “let their light shine” through their performances, but that light isn’t about being the star of the show, it’s about blessing others with their talents.


"Created a lesson plan to fit my needs…obviously passionate about teaching"
~Justin L.
"Very versatile in his style…learning more because he is a working professional musician"
~Heather D.
"Gifted musician and teacher…as important as his talent is his patience"
~Jane O.
"Strikes a good balance between difficult things that build skill and fun lighter things that keep you motivated"
~Chuck A.
"Channels the artistry of performance and applies it to teaching"
~Ryan F.
"Boosts up enthusiasm…is indeed an amazing instructor"
~Edna C.
"Flexible and receptive Teacher who tailors curriculum"
~Anna B.

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Private Lessons

Fellowship Music arts Academy Offering Lessons in Oregon
Dedicated instructors offer lessons with customized curriculum for your student.

Performance Program

Fellowship Music arts Academy Offering Performance Jam Session Studio
Community performance opportunities for real-world skill application.

Worship Arts Training

Worship Arts Training Student Recital Performance Jam Session Studio Fellowship Music Arts Academy Piano Lesson Tigard Beaverton Lake Oswego Wilsonville West Linn
A unique and necessary asset for individuals, families, and churches.

Group Classes

Classes Student Recital Performance Jam Session Studio Fellowship Music Arts Academy Piano Lesson Lake Oswego Wilsonville West Linn Portland
From foundational skills to jam classes, students learn to work with other musicians.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Col. 3:16-17